HolyLandJustice.org is an interfaith resource for news and information about the Holy Land. It was founded in 2016 by the Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (Episcopal Diocese of Olympia). In 2018, Kairos Puget Sound Coalition joined with the Bishop’s Committee to collaborate on the website.
HolyLandJustice.org is intended to be a platform to provide news and information about the Holy Land, and to make announcements about events in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to posting current events, we plan to create a library of background information on the Holy Land, as well as links to other organizations working for peace and justice in the Holy Land.
Contact us. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email us here.
Yours in peace,
— HolyLandJustice.org
L’Arche (Ma’an lil-Hayat)
Ma’an lil-Hayat (Together for Life) is the first and only community project in Palestine that brings together people with and without intellectual disabilities to engage in creative textile-arts activities and share daily life together. Founded in August 2009, in Bethlehem, Ma’an lil-Hayat is a member of the International Federation of L’Arche Communities, created in 1964 in France by Jean Vanier.
Ma’an lil-Hayat seeks to affirm and empower people with intellectual disabilities in their claim to adulthood. Meaningful, challenging activities encourage a sense of personal responsibility and genuine participation in the building of civil society.
Members of Ma’an lil-Hayat use the wool of Bethlehem sheep to make felted-wool ornaments, nativity scenes, and other unique gift items. The raw wool is purchased from women shepherds in a village on the outskirts of Bethlehem. The items are for sale. Browse their website by clicking on the button below and you can email them to purchase a unique gift and support this cause.
Acts of Renewal
Acts of Renewal is the husband-wife team of Jim Shores and Carol Anderson-Shores. Jim and Carol have been writing, creating and performing professional theater, lectures, and presentations—all from a Christian world view—for over 20 years.
Acts of Renewal performed at several holy sites on our 2019 pilgrimage. Their writing and dramatizations literally brought the stories to life. They made our experience far more meaningful, vivid, and truly unforgettable.
A presentation by Acts of Renewal at Shepherd’s Field near Bethlehem in 2019.
Birch Leaf Creative (Zach Shores)
At Birch Leaf, photography is more than just capturing a moment. It’s telling a story. Many of the photos on this site were taken by Zach on our 2019 pilgrimage. Above is Zach photographing at Petra and below is his photo of Fr. Justin at Jacob’s Well. His talent and dedication to craft are evident.
Caroline Furlong Iconography
For centuries icons have been recognized as visual, tangible reminders of the spiritual reality that surrounds and encompasses the world of the senses, and as such, impart grace to the faithful who gaze upon them. Caroline has joined us on pilgrimage and her knowledge and expertise were invaluable.
Stillpoint at Beckside
The “beck” (small creek) running through the property at Stillpoint
An inclusive spirituality center rooted in the Christian contemplative tradition.
Stillpoint offers spiritual practices, resources and educational opportunities to nourish and support one’s sacred journey.
Stillpoint provides inside and outside reflective space for exploring creative forms of prayer. A separate reflective space is available for individuals to use who desire to have a “Quiet Day” at Stillpoint.
This site has beautiful photos and narrated videos of the places where we remember Jesus’ journey to the Cross through the old city of Jerusalem. It also includes a map of the Stations in today’s old city.
Download the app to your smart phone for a small fee. This gives you access to a video for each station. When you are in Jerusalem, you can use the map (with GPS) to guide your walk through each station.