Our Mission is to deepen your faith and to give you a true understanding of Holy Scripture in its original contexts. We do this through education, art, historical teaching and by offering true pilgrimages to the Holy Lands.

We use the term “pilgrimage” to describe what we do. Why?

pilgrimage is a journey that is more than hotels, tour buses and guidebooks. You go on a tour to see the country and enjoy the culture. You go on a pilgrimage in search of new and expanded insight, to experience the founding-place of your faith tradition and to delve into the meaning of your life.

There is a world of difference between one who goes to the Holy Lands of Israel, Palestine and Jordan as a tourist, and one who goes as a pilgrim. 

There are many fine travel companies who arrange excellent tours to show you the sights. What we offer is much different and much deeper.

We work hard to offer you a true pilgrimage and a full experience of the holy sites that are the foundation of the three Abrahamic religions and to enhance your discipleship of Christ. We use our experience and knowledge to guide you along a carefully curated route which we adapt to the theme of the pilgrimage.

You will experience and more deeply understand what you are seeing—the social and historical context—and the way the land formed the faith. You will gain a new understanding of the Bible and the meaning behind the miracles, parables and allegories. You will be invited to permanently change as you walk the land the prophets walked, see the landscapes the Prophets saw—as you taste, touch, hear and smell their world.

We also offer this website as a resource. Please ask questions of our experts, reflect on their answers and learn more about scripture and Christianity, and about this region that was fundamental to our civilization.

We lead these pilgrimages from the viewpoint of devout Christians who know and deeply love the Holy Land. Of course, we also know and respect the faith traditions of all the peoples of this diverse land, and we include their histories and perspectives in our programs.

We have had many years of education and experience in sharing our deep personal knowledge. We are scholars, guides, mentors and travel consultants who feel it is our privilege—indeed, it is our ministry—to share what we have learned. We do this through our website, through our teachings, and through pilgrimage.

We work with trusted local travel agents in the Holy Land to arrange our journeys and operate through Trip Mama, LLC, our American legal entity. Trip Mama offers optimal insights with an ecumenical, inclusive and accepting spirit that is open to all people of good will.

Feel free to let us know if there is a way that we can help you to better understand the Bible and/or the Holy Land.
