Some pilgrims come to the Holy Land out of curiosity, others in search of history. Some have social or political motivations, others for a vacation. Then there are the pilgrims who make this journey in quest of a more in-depth cultural and spiritual experience. We offer this deeper Scriptural perspective, with our focus on the context of the Land and culture in which the Bible was forged.
All of our pilgrim programs include elements of ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, reaching for deeper understanding of the faith and practices of others who follow different modes of the monotheistic tradition. Each journey that we offer includes the perspective of indigenous Christians in the Holy Land, meetings with Jews and Muslims and members of lesser-known faith groups.
Our team of pilgrimage mentors and leaders includes experts in Scripture, history, geography, archaeology, theology, comparative religion and intentional travel. Our experienced guides and lecturers foster, in pilgrims and visitors, a sustained growth in faith, knowledge and witness. We dream of, and work toward, a world where peoples of all traditions better understand and respect each other, and work together for justice and peace.
Where can this better world be found? A similar question was posed to Jesus in John 1:38-39: “...’Rabbi,’ — which means Teacher — ‘where do you live?’ He replied, ‘Come and see.’”
This is your invitation to become a pilgrim, to “Come and see,” to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, to follow Him through His Land, to taste His teaching, and to return home in a closer discipleship with Him who said, ”I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.” (John 14:6).
Your Personal Diary
Each pilgrim will receive a Pilgrim Diary created by us that includes a page with photos and scripture for each site, and space for you to record your reflections as you visit, along with other helpful information.
Possible future Pilgrimages:
Galilee Seminar (dates to be announced)
The Galilee Seminar is a deeper look for those that have previously visited the Holy Land.” We will be based in Galilee, have presentations most mornings, and excursions in the afternoons. Highlights include: Jerusalem, the Judean Desert, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, visits with local people of various faith traditions and more.
We hope to return to Greece and Egypt.
A pilgrimage to Turkey is in the works!
“I saw how simultaneously holy and ordinary the Holy Land is, how sacred and profane, how reverent and kitschy, how beautiful and ugly.”
“My biggest insight was the central message - the ‘Aha!’ I had in the Tomb of Christ. …Seeing all these sites is meaningful, but it all led up to the death and resurrection from that little tomb, where - thanks to the Holy Spirit – Jesus’ light and power have gone out all over the world.”