
Comments & Evaluations

The Experience of Pilgrimage in Our Pilgrims’ Own Words

  • So much, so much, so much! … It’s impossible to really capture all that I learned and was able to contextualize, but I will never be the same, as a Christian. I saw how simultaneously holy and ordinary the Holy Land is, how sacred and profane, how reverent and kitschy, how beautiful and ugly. Which is so in keeping with [verses like:] ‘The first shall be last,’ … and, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ (J.S.)

  • To be at spiritual ‘ground zero’ and talk to God in so many sites where key events of our faith occurred is to be forever changed for the better. (J.S.)

  • The greatest spiritual gift I received from the pilgrimage was having the Bible come alive as I read and study. I picture the Holy Land and feel the Lord's presence more than I did before. … I believe the trip was organized in the best way possible for the amount of time we had for us to see the whole picture of today's Holy Land. I would not change a thing. (A.P.)

  • I remember something Henry [Carse] said about a tourist moving through a place, but the place moves through a pilgrim – and I think we’ll be processing this holy land journey together for a long time to come. We were so blessed to have Father Kamal and blessed to have Laurie’s leadership. And I am blessed to have so many wonderful new friends. (C.F.)

  • It was a very special and intimate experience to be together with fellow Christians, and to intimately experience together the many Biblical locations we have read about for years, which are central to the Old Testament and the story of Christ. (D.L.)

  • “Our trip changed the way that I read and experience Scripture. It also helped me to center more on a daily practice once I returned home. It renewed my commitment to Christ in ways that daily impact my life.” (J.M.)

  • There are so many beautiful and amazing spiritual experiences … it is hard to know where to start. I now have … a deeper understanding of the events and miracles of Jesus Christ because of our teachings and being in the Land. [In] places such as Galilee and Nazareth, I had profound experiences of feeling Our Lord’s presence—these moments will be in my memory forever. Thank you.” (L.J.)

  • I am probably the least spiritual of all those present in the pilgrimage, but just seeing the places Jesus journeyed makes the stories come alive for me.(R.W.)

  • Scripture has expanded and deepened … I now know many details not included in the text itself: [details] of topography, heat, desert vs. green, distance, and details about the travel. My big[gest insight] was the central message - the ‘Aha!’ I had in the Tomb [of Christ]. …Seeing all these sites of the events is meaningful, but it all led up to the death and resurrection from that little tomb, where - thanks to the Holy Spirit – Jesus’ light and power have gone out all over the world. It's also in every one of us, right here and now, and effects (or should effect) how we treat others and live our lives. In Romans 8, Paul says, ‘The Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.’ [This pilgrimage was a] gift of the Lord, opening my mind and heart to the power of that statement. (C.A.)

  • I enjoyed the pilgrimage! Yes, I feel closer to God, I experience an extra joy at Mass, and I find myself praying at different times during the day. Our Lord is in my daily life. The drivers and guides were terrific. … I loved staying in the combination of guest houses and hotels. The lunches were great- especially when we experienced Mid-Eastern food. Thank you… for our excellent lamb dinner! (C.S.)

Our teacher/guide – Father Kamal Farah – in our pilgrims’ own words:

  • Jesus was made more real for me, largely because of Father Kamal's commentary on the gospels throughout the trip. [He] is a warm (and brilliant) human being with a deep connection to Palestine, its history, and Jesus Christ. His commentaries on bus and off were always welcome, fascinating, and comprehensive. (D.D.)

  • His knowledge and experience were tremendous assets. (D.L.)

  • Learned, wise, patient, and kind-hearted. … It was a privilege to be around him. (J.S.)

  • I feel blessed to have had such a gifted spiritual leader share his knowledge, wisdom, and quiet humor with our group. (A.P.)

  • Such an outstanding individual both spiritually, depth of knowledge, and interest in each of us. (L.W.)

  • I enjoyed Father Kamal as a person, and [found] his knowledge of the historical, geographical, spiritual and cultural aspects of teaching the Bible very valuable. (M.B.)

  • Father Kamal is such a blessing to all he comes in contact with! The level of Faith demonstrated and offered was excellent! [His] discussion on history and politics was … open, objective, yet honest! He demonstrates love, compassion and not judging in everything he says and does! He teaches, mentors and loves … as our Christ did.... what a blessing. (L.R.P.)

  • Kamal, amazing and so wonderful to receive the teachings of the meanings of words that have many levels and understandings that only you could have given us. Your beautiful heart is a blessing to us all. (L.J.)

  • I am eager to get an Aramaic-to-English Bible to gain more from the nuances that are interpreted differently [from] the Greek, thanks to Father Kamal's teaching. (C.A.)

  • Father, words cannot express what your words, thoughts, perspectives mean to me. You have become my spiritual guide. [Looking forward to] another trip to the Holy Land much more prepared, now that I know what to expect. (C.S.)

  • Father Kamal [is] fantastic; I really enjoyed his [insights] from a different spiritual viewpoint; I felt very connected to him. (R.W.)

Our Group Leader – Ms. Laurie Parrish – in our pilgrims’ own words:

  • [Laurie provided] very efficient and detailed planning for trip, [which] had variety and quality. [She] kept her cool… took feedback well. (D.D.)

  • She was flexible, positive and fun to be with. (D.L.)

  • I know how much time and effort [Laurie] put into planning our pilgrimage. It was such a complete picture of ancient times and today's Holy Land. She truly wanted to share her love for the land and cared about everyone's needs as we traveled. (A.P.)

  • Laurie demonstrated patience, compassion, (and) knowledge beyond expectation! (L.R.P.)

  • Laurie, … no one will ever have a pilgrimage like ours because your love and knowing of all the special places in [the Holy Land] surpasses all. Your thoughtfulness and attention to caring detail for each person is very rare. (L.J.)

  • Laurie did an exceptional job of organizing this tour. Loved her excitement and desire to give us many behind- the-scenes opportunities that not many pilgrimages have. [She’s] great at adding in enough time to rest, so it wasn't all a blur. (C.A.)

  • Laurie, your pilgrimages are wonderful... even though I lag behind – [taking] photos, window shopping, or just ‘overcome with age!’ (C.S.)

  • Laurie… went above and beyond, providing pre-information, setting up the schedule, picking out the hotels, etc. We are exceptionally lucky to have [the benefit of] her time and brains. (R.W.)