A special Message from Father Kamal

To our sisters, brothers and all the faithful, we reiterate our gratitude for your love, charity and prayers. I am very thankful for our dear friends who think about us and pray for us, especially in this dark time in which we live.

What is going on these days contradicts God's will and humanity. Holy Land Christians are praying:

  • We pray that people from both sides stop their mutual hatred and stop shedding blood.

  • We pray for the international community to wake up and treat all sides equally.

  • We pray for the United Nations to respect its resolutions and find an end for this crisis.

  • We pray for peacemakers especially among Christian leaders of "great nations."

  • We pray for the powerful countries, to provide opportunities for peace and human rights, instead of increasing the destructive mechanisms of war.

  • We pray for the Israeli and the Palestinian victims, asking the Lord's forgiveness for our human atrocities.

  • We pray for the grieving families who lost their loved ones.

  • We pray for the liberation of all hostages and prisoners.

  • We pray for the needy families who lost their jobs or have been dismissed because they belong to the minority.

  • We pray for the students who were attacked by extremist groups and were forced to leave their campus.

All have sinned and need God's mercy. Lord, have Mercy!

The Peace of Christ the Lord be always yours....

Fr. Kamal

To Fr. Kamal's words, let me add only my request that you keep Fr. Kamal himself, as well as his family and ministry, in your prayers. — Laurie

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To deepen your faith
To enhance your understanding of Holy Scripture in its original context

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Take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Hear the stories of what happened there come alive.

Walk in His footsteps.
Follow Him.
Taste His teachings.
Go home more closely following Him who said:

”I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.” (John 14:6)

Mount Tabor as seen from Mt. Precipice

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The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

— John 1:14 (In English)

Ο Λόγος έγινε σάρκα και έκανε την κατοικία του ανάμεσά μας. Είδαμε τη δόξα του, τη δόξα του ενός και μοναδικού Υιού, ο οποίος ήρθε από τον πατέρα, γεμάτος χάρη και αλήθεια.

— John 1:14 (In Greek)


Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.

— St. Augustine (Tractate 29 on John 7:14-18)