Our church services and prayer meetings are all put on hold due to the Coronavirus--


Scriptures teach us that prayer is a three folded unit: 

First, individual, private as in Matthew 6:6, "When you pray, enter your room, close your door..."  Second is the family prayer, "Me and my house will serve the Lord" in Joshua 24:15.  Third is the Community or Church prayers for the celebration of the holy Eucharist, where we come together to break bread as in Acts 20:7.

 With regard to the exceptional measures the church is taking to prevent further outbreak of the Coronavirus, we are not alone in this plight.  Throughout history, Christians have encountered many obstacles.  During the Roman persecutions Christians came together in private houses.  

 There is a story about an Egyptian Khalif named Al Hakeem.  He was a Moslem leader that destroyed the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) in Jerusalem in the year 1009.  Before that, he closed all the churches for nine years. One evening he wanted to see for himself the results of his closure orders.  He decided to walk the streets of a Christian quarter in Cairo. As he was walking through, he heard many people chanting in their homes. He said, “In closing hundreds of churches I have created thousands more. Reopen the churches and let the people join in their prayers.” 

 Our church is not a building. It is the people of God inhabited and joined by the Holy Spirit.  Through our Baptism we form the One Body of Christ.  Keep faith that God is with you.  Make your house a church where Christ has a seat in your house with you. Remember that you are an important part of the living church!