In this conflicted part of the world, what are the essential areas of agreement (and disagreement) between Judaism, Christianity and Islam?


A: What’s common among Judaism, Christianity and Islam is that all three religions are monotheistic. They believe in: one God; in the Prophets; that humanity failed into sin; that God is just and merciful; and in the last day of judgement.
The general differences are that the Jews don’t accept Christ and are still waiting for Messiah. Jews believe they are the Chosen People, that God promised them the Land of Israel and made a covenant with them. Jews don’t believe others need to become Jews because they are chosen by God.

Moslims believe in the Old Testament Prophets, and that Jesus and Lazarus are prophets. Moslims make the specific point that Mary is the Mother of the Word of God. Mary is the only woman mentioned in the Quran. Moslims believe that Mary gave birth to Jesus by power of Holy Spirit, and that Jesus will be judge of all nations on the last day. They believe that all culminates in Islam, Muhammad is the last prophet-the completion and perfection of all religions, and that all humanity is called to become Moslim.

Christians believe in the Prophets, and that Jesus came not to abolish but to fulfill the prophecies. We believe He is the expected Messiah, Son of God, “Son of Man,” and redeemed us through His cross. We do not believe that Muhammad is a Prophet. We believe Jesus saved us by His death, founded the Church, destroyed death through His Resurrection, and remains with us until end of the world, the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End.

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